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EZ Electrical Loopback Handles

The Timbercon EZ2 and EZ3 electrical loopback array handles hold Timbercon QSFP+ and QSFP28 loopback modules used for testing and qualifying high speed optical transport and routing platforms.

Inserting and extracting large numbers of these modules in high port count elements is a time-consuming and arduous task for engineers and technicians. Timbercon now offers rugged glass-filled polymer handles designed to gang together 2 or 3 loopback modules. This allows the user to insert/extract multiple loopbacks at one time, greatly reducing the time needed to populate or depopulate the system.

The use of handles also reduces repetitive motion fatigue caused from tedious insertions and removals experienced by technicians. Test time can be reduced by as much as 65%, saving time and money…exponentially.


  • Made from glass-filled polycarbonate for durability
  • Available in 1×2 and 1×3 arrays
  • Works with industry standard QSFP port cages
  • Available in back-to-back and belly-to-belly configurations
  • Tab colors indicate speed (40Gbps, 100Gbps)
  • Power Class is defined by the colored stripe on the handle
  • All loopbacks are MSA compliant


  • Economical; reduces up to 65% of technician test time on manufacturing floors
  • Ergonomic; eliminates pinch grip
  • Prevents injuries caused by repetitive motion activities, such as tendinitis and bursitis
  • Power Class and speed easily identified by color


  • QSFP+ (40 Gbps) and QSFP28 (100Gbps) port system testing using multiple electrical loopbacks with one motion
  • HASS and HALT testing
  • Diagnostic testing
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