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Timbercon Releases Multi-channel Breakout Assemblies

Timbercon Releases Multi-channel Breakout Assemblies


As data­com tech­no­logy mi­grates from 10GbE to 40GbE and bey­ond, it is of­ten ne­ces­sary to trans­ition from dis­crete com­mer­cial con­nect­ors to 12- or 24-fiber MTP®/MPO con­nect­ors. MTP®/MPO fiber op­tic break­out cable as­sem­blies are ideal for con­nect­ing high speed switches pop­u­lated with high­er rate trans­ceiv­ers QS­FP+, CFP, CXP, CFP2, etc. to ex­ist­ing 10GbE ele­ments pop­u­lated with SFP+ mod­ules. In ad­di­tion, ever in­creas­ing data traffic and port counts are re­quir­ing high­er con­nect­or dens­it­ies, ne­ces­sit­at­ing cable as­sem­blies that trans­ition single chan­nel LCs to high dens­ity MTP®/MPO con­nect­ors. Tim­ber­con is a lead­er in provid­ing high qual­ity MTP®/MPO fiber op­tic break­out cable to the data com­mu­nic­a­tions in­dustry. Avail­able with OM2, OM3, OM4 or single mode fiber, Tim­ber­con uses only the highest qual­ity com­pon­ents to design and man­u­fac­ture break­out cables to your spe­cific­a­tion. You define length, con­nect­ors and break­out con­fig­ur­a­tions, or we will help design it for you. In ad­di­tion to of­fer­ing break­out styles from 900 mi­cron to 3.0mm fiber cable OD, we also of­fer dif­fer­ent trans­ition op­tions based on your mount­ing and space re­quire­ments. Flat, mount­able, and tube are all avail­able. Tim­ber­con also has an over­mold break­out design, which al­lows us to pro­duce the most rugged cable as­sem­blies in the in­dustry.

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