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Timbercon is AS9100D
certified. AS9100 is a company-level certification based on a standard published by SAE and focuses on the strictest of quality management system requirements for aviation, space and defense organizations. AS9100D
is the most current version of the AS9100 certification.

ISO 9001:2015

Timbercon is ISO 9001:2015
certified. ISO9001 is a company-level certification based on standards published by ISO and focuses on quality management system requirements that demonstrate a company’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. ISO 9001:2015
is the most current version of the ISO9001 certification.


Timbercon is ITAR registered. International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is a set of regulations related to defense exports. ITAR registration is required of all manufacturers of defense articles, related to technical data and defense services as defined on the United States Munitions List.


Timbercon is RoHS compliant. Restriction of Use of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) regulations limits or ban specific substances in new electronic and electric equipment. RoHS compliance means acting in full compliance with RoHS regulations and documenting testing for RoHS controlled substances.


2021 BAE Systems Supplier of the Year Award

Timbercon received a BAE Systems ‘Partner 2 Win’ Supplier of the Year Award for Electronic Combat Solutions for exceptional performance and contributions to supply chain success for BAE Systems, Inc.’s Electronic Systems sector in 2021.

2018 Top 100 Fastest Growing Private Company (10th time)

Timbercon received an award for being #75 on the Portland Business Journal’s Top 100 Fastest Growing Companies list, 2018. This was the 10th time Timbercon received this award!

2018 Corporate Philanthropy Award

Timbercon received an honorable mention for our community service, as well as contributions to local and regional charities.

2018 Top Largest Private Company

Timbercon was listed as the 110th largest private company in Oregon and SW Washington, in a list compiled by the Portland Business Journal.

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